Monday, February 6, 2012

Chapter 57 - Sixteen Padded Pews!

"For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37

    While on furlough, I received a call from Pastor Campbell. “The church pews are ready for you to pick up; they are in my way, when can you come and get them?” he asked. Taken back, I honestly did not know what to say, “Well, Pastor, I will have to get back with you about this.”
    Two years before this call, I had called Pastor Campbell when we were in the Houston area; we needed a place to lodge. He pleasantly offered us the modular home that they had set aside for missionaries.
    While staying there, we visited his church. The message was right on target, and the people were exceptionally friendly. In the church, we sat on a beautiful 13-foot pew; there were about 16 of them. Just in passing, I said to Pastor Campbell, “If you ever remodel your church, I sure would love to have these pews for our church in Belize.” They were planning to remodel in the near future and intended on using different seating. The Pastor responded that the pews would be ours, and he would give me a call when they were ready to be moved. I was praising the Lord, though I didn’t have any idea how I would take them to Belize, Central America - 2000 miles away.
    Telling my wife the happy news she asked, "How would we get them to Belize?" I had to admit that I didn’t know. A truck would cost too much, and the cost to ship them would be overwhelming. But I believed the Lord wanted us to have those pews for our church in Belize and was sure that He would provide a way; how was the question.
    Wow! Wait a minute! I remember we had visited a supporting church in Universal City, Texas, Pastor Warren. We had seen a large yellow bus sitting in the back of the church. “I wonder if they are using that bus”, I said aloud. My wife responded, “Let’s give Pastor Warren a call.”
    “Hello, Pastor Warren” I excitedly proclaimed as he answered the phone.  “Hello, Bro. Ayers. How is everything going?” “Great, Pastor, and I pray all is well with you and your ministry. Pastor Warren, I remember seeing a yellow bus sitting behind your church, and was wondering if anyone is using it.” “Bro Ayers, we were going to use it but haven’t as yet. Why?” he replied.
    “A church in Cypress, Texas, has given us 16 13-foot padded pews to take to Belize for our church, and we need a way to transport them. I was thinking if you are not using that bus, that maybe you would give it to us to take to Belize.” I explained.
    “Bro. Ayers, a man donated the bus for us to use so I will have to call to ask him”, he said. “Thanks, Pastor Warren, I’ll be waiting for your response”, I replied.
    Shortly I received a call with the verdict; “Hello, Bro. Ayers, this is Pastor Warren. THE BUS IS YOURS!” “Praise the Lord and glory, hallelujah. Thank you, Pastor Warren; we will be by in a few days to pick it up; and thank You Lord”, I replied with such thankfulness and joy in my heart for the answered prayer.
    In a few days we were in Universal City, Texas. Pastor Warren was at the church. He got his tool box out and helped me install a hitch on the rear of the bus so we could tow our vehicle. It didn’t take long. We thanked the generous pastor for the bus and all of his help.
    We headed back over to Cypress, Texas, and Pastor Campbell had the pews ready for us to haul. They had already disassembled them.  We loaded them in the bus. Praising the Lord; we were off to Belize via Mexico.
    The bus we were driving was running on propane, and it was not as cheap as gas in the USA. We arrived at the Mexican border and headed across to purchase a vehicle permit to drive across the country of Mexico into Belize; that was a no go. I explained to them that the previous year I had driven a bus through Mexico, and they gave me a permit to do so. They said that the rules had changed, and I had to get a broker, pay him $300 and wait 3 days. WHAT? We did not have the resources to cover all of that. What to do now was the question? It was late, so we settled into our motel room and considered our options. We had prayer and finally came to the conclusion that a decent night sleep would be the best option at this time.
    The next morning the Lord impressed me to call a Pastor friend at First Coast Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL and explain to him our dilemma. He asks me how much was needed to continue our journey to Belize. I told him the amount. He did not hesitate to say, “I will send it to you Western Union.” I thanked Pastor Edwards and hung up the phone praising the Lord for the need He had supplied once again. Now we were able to get the broker, wait 3 days in the motel, and pay the broker for his services. After this was said and done, across the border we went.
    Our journey through Mexico was uneventful- except in Tampico. The bus needed propane before heading out from this city. We stopped at a gas station, and were told it was back the other way. O no, back through the city of Tampico? I did not want to go that way because I knew what would happen; but I had no choice. Finally, we got the propane and traveled back out of the city, onto the road toward Belize, when low and behold, it happened. The police pulled us over, and said that we had run a red light. I know I did not; but this is the way the police in Mexico obtain money from foreigners; and if you argued with them you could end up in jail. I tried everything. I gave them tracts and Bibles, but to no avail. It was told to me, “Go to the police station or pay up right there.” Well, it ended up not costing us too much. We had to pay in cash. They did not even give a receipt, and they finally let us go. I turned left at the next light and yet another policeman jumped on the bus while I was making the turn left! I was going slow to make the turn, and he demanded money. I told him (I was hoping he understood English), “Your two friends at the other light got all that you policemen are going to get from me.” He must have understood English because he jumped back off the bus and we continued on our journey south.
    The rest of our trip was uneventful, and we are now enjoying those 16 padded pews at Freedom Baptist Church, Orange Walk Town, Belize, Central America.

I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus!

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